EUROCLIMA+ in action

a) Mexico Country Action Plan - EUROCLIMA+

Analysis of the contribution of Nature-based Climate Action Solutions (NbCAS) to the implementation of Mexico's climate targets
Monitoring of land use changes and estimation of GHG emissions from the land sector in Mexico's Natural Protected Areas
Capacity building and guidelines for accessing climate finance for small-scale community-based climate adaptation implementers

Capacity building and guidelines for accessing climate finance for small-scale community-based climate adaptation implementers

Integration of ecological planning, territorial planning and urban development programs in a single instrument

Integration of ecological planning, territorial planning and urban development programs in a single instrument

b) Other actions and projects in Mexico

Implementing climate and energy efficiency policies in Oaxaca

Energy Efficiency

Implementing climate and energy efficiency policies in Oaxaca

Pilot project for the integration of cyclists in Puebla’s Bus Rapid Transit System

Urban Mobility

Pilot project for cyclist integration into the Rapid Transit Autobus System of Puebla

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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

Urban Mobility

Improvement of the Integral Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara and Pilot Project for the analysis of metropolitan displacements.

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Coordinating Global Agendas from a Local Approach

Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Articulating global agendas from the local: ecosystem-based adaptation in ecosystems as a catalyst for municipal actions to achieve global goals.

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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

Urban Mobility

Improvement of the Integral Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara and Pilot Project for the analysis of metropolitan displacements.

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Pilot project for the integration of cyclists in Puebla’s Bus Rapid Transit System

Urban Mobility

Pilot project for cyclist integration into the Rapid Transit Autobus System of Puebla

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Coordinating Global Agendas from a Local Approach

Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Articulating global agendas from the local: ecosystem-based adaptation in ecosystems as a catalyst for municipal actions to achieve global goals.

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Implementing climate and energy efficiency policies in Oaxaca

Energy Efficiency

Implementing climate and energy efficiency policies in Oaxaca

c) Regional actions

Actions being implemented in the 18 EUROCLIMA+ partner countries

Contact information in Mexico

In each country, EUROCLIMA+ works in synergy with officials of the government entity in charge of overseeing climate change matters. It also maintains close contact with the European Union Delegations of each partner nation.


One of the State secretariats that make up the so-called legal cabinet of the president of Mexico. It is the office of the federal executive power responsible for ensuring sustainable development and environmental equilibrium.

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European Union Delegation

The European Union (EU) is represented in Mexico by a Delegation located in Mexico City. The Delegation has diplomatic mission status and officially represents the EU in Mexico.

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Here you will find related information and links of interest for Mexico

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Focal point

Focal Point

Mtro. Miguel Angel Zerón Cid
Mtro. Miguel Angel Zerón CidFocal Point
Head of the Coordination Unit for International Affairs, Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources


News, events and publications

EUROCLIMA+ clips and videos

We invite you to review and watch interviews, webinars and other audiovisual material that has been produced under the Programme.



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+32 (0) 2 710 19 37


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