EUROCLIMA+ in action

a) Venezuela Country Action Plan - EUROCLIMA+

OTCA Amazon Regional Platform on Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change

(b) Other actions and projects in Venezuela

Andean Countries: Drought and Floods

Andean countries: droughts and floods

Strengthening national and regional systems for monitoring and managing the risks of drought and floods in a context of climate change and desertification in the Andean countries

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Course on the prioritization of public policies in the context of climate change

Course on the prioritization of public policies in the context of climate change
Andean Countries: Drought and Floods

Andean countries: droughts and floods

Strengthening national and regional systems for monitoring and managing the risks of drought and floods in a context of climate change and desertification in the Andean countries

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d) Regional actions

Actions being implemented in the 18 EUROCLIMA+ partner countries

Contact information in Venezuela

In each country, EUROCLIMA+ works in synergy with officials of the governmental entity in charge of overseeing climate change matters. It also maintains close contact with the European Unión delegations of each partner nation.


This is one of the agencies that make up the executive cabinet of the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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European Union Delegation

The role of the EU Delegation of Venezuela, its vision and organisation.

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Here you will find related information and links of interest for Venezuela

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Focal point

Focal Point

Félix Plasencia González
Félix Plasencia GonzálezVice-Minister
Focal Point – Vice-Minister for Multilateral Issues, Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,


News, events and publications

EUROCLIMA+ clips and videos

We invite you to review and watch interviews, webinars and other audiovisual material that has been produced under the Programme.



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+32 (0) 2 710 19 37


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