Intersectoral, Multi-level and Multi-stakeholder Coordination

Improvement in coordination among sectors, different levels of government and multiple actors.

Coordination between sectors, different levels of government and multiple actors

Managing climate change and promoting a "sustainable, resilient and inclusive recovery" require adequate inter-sectoral, multi-level and multi-stakeholder articulation, including all levels of government, civil society, academia and the private sector. The processes of designing, updating and implementing NDCs require the coordinated work of all these actors. EUROCLIMA+ supports the facilitation of coordination mechanisms between different sectors, including the identification of regulatory, institutional, technical and policy barriers, as well as solutions that allow overcoming these barriers.

In terms of coordination between different levels of government, the Programme supports the facilitation of political, legal and institutional articulation, as well as the creation and/or building of local capacities to address climate change.

EUROCLIMA+ also encourages the involvement of the private sector in the co-design and implementation of climate solutions, actions and policies. It also supports capacity building and the search for solutions to create enabling conditions for increased private sector climate ambition. Finally, the Programme encourages greater involvement of civil society and academia in decision-making, implementation and monitoring of NDCs.

The different actions that this EU programme has implemented and continues to promote in synergy with the countries are presented below:

What can EUROCLIMA+ contribute?

  • Strengthening NDC awareness at the level of sectoral ministries, subnational governments, the private sector, academia and civil society.
  • Facilitation and strengthening of the participation and involvement of sectoral ministries in the definition and implementation of climate policies.
  • Facilitation and strengthening of the participation and involvement of local governments in the definition and implementation of climate policies.
  • Facilitation and strengthening of the participation and involvement of the private sector in the definition and implementation of climate policies.
  • Facilitation and strengthening of the participation and involvement of civil society and academia in the definition and implementation of climate policies.
  • Preparation and implementation of multi-stakeholder projects in the context of climate policies.
  • Developing capacities to improve coordination mechanisms, inter-ministerial cooperation and policy coherence for NDC implementation.
  • Developing capacities at national and sub-national levels to strengthen coordination between different levels of governance in the definition and implementation of climate policies and the NDC.
  • Developing capacities at national and sub-national levels, among public, private and civil society stakeholders, to strengthen the implementation of climate projects.
  • Design and implementation of multi-stakeholder dialogue processes.
  • Support for the design of incentives for private sector participation in climate policy processes.
  • Integration with economic areas and dialogue with environmental ministries.
  • Promoting joint learning among countries through the exchange of experiences and good practices among the countries of the region and with European countries, in order to improve mechanisms for intersectoral and multi-level coordination in NDC implementation.
  • Promoting joint learning among countries through the exchange of experiences and best practices among countries in the region and with European countries, in terms of the participation of the private sector and other stakeholders in the definition and implementation of climate policies and the NDC.
  • Promoting joint projects between two or more countries in the region with or without European partners, including triangular cooperation.
  • Comparison of methodologies for assigning and monitoring NDCs at the sub-national level.
  • Comparison of methodologies for assigning and monitoring NDCs between different sectors.


Dialogues among peers to enhance NDC Implementation in Latin America - Regional
Support to the structuring of mechanisms for an industrial strategy for sustainable development in Brazil
Foster sustainable and resilient local economies in strategic sectors of Panama's NDC1

Foster sustainable and resilient local economies in strategic sectors of Panama's NDC1

ArticuLAC: Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America
Energy Management in the industrial sector as a strategy for improved energy performance and competitiveness of the sector - Colombia

Energy Management in the industrial sector as a strategy for improved energy performance and competitiveness of the sector - Colombia

Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in Costa Rica's climate action
Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in climate action - Costa Rica

Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in climate action - Costa Rica

Direct seeding system: basis for sustainable agriculture - Brazil

Direct seeding system: basis for sustainable agriculture - Brazil

Promotion of sustainable businesses for the development of an Amazonian bioeconomy - Brazil
Contribute to the implementation of the NDCs with a territorial approach - Peru

Contribute to the implementation of the NDCs with a territorial approach - Peru


EUROCLIMA+ support to COP25 - Chile
Support from EUROCLIMA+ to the preparation and organisation of logistics and communication for the PreCOP25 event - Regional
Development of a Training Programme on vertical coordination for NDC implementation - Regional
Dialogues to align NDCs with Regional Governments' climate change priorities - Peru
Training on methodological tools for the implementation of climate change projects - Regional
Institutional Strengthening to enhance the participation of non-state actors in the integrated management of climate change - Peru
Dialogues among peers to enhance NDC Implementation in Latin America - Regional
Training on methodological tools for the implementation of climate change projects - Regional
Support to the structuring of mechanisms for an industrial strategy for sustainable development in Brazil
Support to the structuring of mechanisms for an industrial strategy for sustainable development in Brazil

Foster sustainable and resilient local economies in strategic sectors of Panama's NDC1

ArticuLAC: Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America
Institutional Strengthening to enhance the participation of non-state actors in the integrated management of climate change - Peru
Energy Management in the industrial sector as a strategy for improved energy performance and competitiveness of the sector - Colombia

Energy Management in the industrial sector as a strategy for improved energy performance and competitiveness of the sector - Colombia

Promotion of sustainable businesses for the development of an Amazonian bioeconomy - Brazil
EUROCLIMA+ support to COP25 - Chile
Dialogues to align NDCs with Regional Governments' climate change priorities - Peru
Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in climate action - Costa Rica

Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in climate action - Costa Rica

Direct seeding system: basis for sustainable agriculture - Brazil

Direct seeding system: basis for sustainable agriculture - Brazil

Development of a Training Programme on vertical coordination for NDC implementation - Regional
Support from EUROCLIMA+ to the preparation and organisation of logistics and communication for the PreCOP25 event - Regional
Contribute to the implementation of the NDCs with a territorial approach - Peru

Contribute to the implementation of the NDCs with a territorial approach - Peru

Increasing private sector engagement, participation and ambition in Costa Rica's climate action

EUROCLIMA+ videos and webinars




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+32 (0) 2 710 19 37


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