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The thematic sector “Forest, Biodiversity and Ecosystems” (FBE) is one of the 6 sectors implemented in the EUROCLIMA+ program.

Since 2019, nine projects in twelve countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have strengthened the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems. As a result, they have contributed to climate change adaptation and mitigation, contributing to the generation of green jobs, and addressing biodiversity loss in the region. In 2021, three projects were extended to provide continuity and expand ongoing actions.

Our objectives

We promote innovative projects and initiatives in the FBE thematic sector, in order to conserve the natural resources / increase carbon sequestration of ecosystems and contribute to the resilience of people to climate change impacts, through nature and in alignment with the public policies of each country.

We strengthen institutional capacities for the integration of the “Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems” approach in public policies and in subnational and national agendas and processes.

Capitalizamos experiencias demostrativas y exitosas de gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas que puedan ser replicadas en otros países.

Project periods

between January 2019 and March 2022

Subsidy amount

13 million euros


Approx. 1,503,656 people

(including producers, leaders, local authorities, decision makers, technicians, and officials, among others)


Coordinating Global Agendas from a Local Approach
Forest Value Chains
Improving land-use governance and management
Non-Carbon benefits
Forests, Biodiversity and Community Development
Amazon Rainforests and Climate Change
Water Sowing and Harvesting & Ecosystem Services
Living and Producing in the Chaco Forest
Participatory Climate Action



(Period: January 2019 - March 2022)

22 strategies, programs, and action plans developed to address climate change.

3 local governments in Mexico and 4 local governments in Brazil integrate the Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) approach in municipal planning, and cooperate with the private sector (one of the biggest paper companies in Brazil).

12.000 hectares of forests in Honduras and Peru are sustainably managed in order to facilitate the commercialisation of products. 7 water reservoirs built in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, to enhance coping with water stress.

4 pilot experiences on the management of Brazil nut and acai implemented in Bolivia and Peru, promoting climate adaptation in communities.

1 binational biological corridor between Guatemala and Honduras, driven and designed to generate climate action benefits and to control illegal species trafficking.

8 resilient forest management models created and shared in Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Latest news

Latest Videos

Scaling up Nature-Based Solutions in Latin American and Caribbean public policies

“Forest, Biodiversity and Ecosystems”

Resultados 2020 del proyecto "Mejorando la Gobernanza y Gestión del Uso del Suelo"

Reforestación en la zona del Embalse Cerrón Grande de El Salvador


Contact us

European Union:
Office Expertise France: 73, rue de Vaugirard-75006 Paris.
Office GIZ: Rue Archimède 61, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Office Expertise France: Av. Calle 82 # 10-33 Of. 302 – Bogotá, Colombia
Expertise France: +33 1 70 82 73 57
GIZ: + 32 2 710 1937

Implementing Agencies

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