Articles and interviews
World Bike Day: The importance of active mobility in the face of climate change
The Euroclima program has implemented strategies to promote the use of this alternative and sustainable means of transportation.
Andean hearts caring for water and sowing water security: Voices from the Water for Abancay project, Peru
Participants in EUROCLIMA's Agua Urbana's 'Water for Abancay' project share their stories of transformation on the road to resilient management and...
Euroclima Program reinforces its commitment to replicability and scalability of climate action projects.
After three days of intense discussion, exchange of experiences and development of new skills, the technical and communication staff of the eight...
Next Webinars
Latin America and the Caribbean with Team Europe: Working better together towards a Just and Green Transition
Expert Panel Discussion │ 12 July 2023 12:00 to 15:00 CET
Within the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ program, the updated NDCs of 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries have been analyzed to determine how these NDCs address the use of nature to respond to climate challenges. In this side event at the Biodiversity COP15, this analysis will be presented together with real cases of NbS in Latin America.
Vertical integration in the NAP process
Wednesday, March 29, 14:00 Chilean time
This session will focus on Vertical Integration for climate change adaptation implementation at subnational levels. Vertical integration in NAP processes is important because it can facilitate a continuous exchange between key stakeholders (from government, civil society, and business) across governance scales.
Workshop Launch of Panama's National Carbon Market Roadmap
13 January - Panama City - 8:00 -15:00 (hybrid event)
EUROCLIMA + 2020 is a regional climate change programme for Latin America and the Caribbean implemented by 5 EU Member State agencies and 2 UN agencies.
Euroclima clips and videos
Euroclima launched its new phase in 2023 expanding to the 33 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. This initiative is a part of the Global Gateway Investment Agenda, strengthening partnerships between the EU and LAC regions, towards a green and just transition. As we welcome the Caribbean on board, we are updating our website to reflect our latest developments. Please check back in with us for more updates as we continue to roll out Euroclima 2023.