How we do it
Euroclima is the Global Gateway initiative that builds partnerships between the EU and the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) regions as they lead the green and just transition. The Programme supports increased resilience to climate change of ecosystems and vulnerable communities, including women, youth, and indigenous populations through the implementation of demand-driven actions. |
Joint work with 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
As the EU´s flagship regional Programme on climate action in Latin America for over a decade, Euroclima expanded in 2023 its footprint to the Caribbean, and is now under implementation in the 33 LAC countries.
The Programme seeks to contribute to the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region’s green and just transition. It aims at reducing the impact of climate change and its effects in the 33 LAC countries by promoting mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as well as promoting resilience, investment and conservation of biological diversity. It will assist Latin American and the Caribbean countries’ transition to a decarbonised, environmentally friendly, and inclusive economy. In addition, it will ensure a socially just and green recovery, in line with the EU Green Deal.
What we do
· Enabling environment for a green and just transition
· Green and just transition-related catalytic actions
· Access to green and just transition-related finance and investments
· Facilitate EU-LAC dialogues on green and just transition.
Our key sectors
1. | Conservation and sustainable management of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems | |
2. | Resilient food production | |
3. | Urban mobility | |
4. | Sustainable energy | |
5. | Disaster risk reduction and management | |
6. | Clean water and sanitation | |
7. | Circular economy. |
How we do it
1. Conducting a demand-driven in-country policy dialogue to support ambitious policies and their implementation.
2. Seeking synergies and enhancing intra-regional cooperation.
3. Cooperating in the environment sector, including biodiversity monitoring and reporting and ocean and climate change governance, cooperating in the energy sector to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency, and cooperation in the development of smart and sustainable cities.
A cross-cutting focus on climate governance promotes coherence throughout the approach, with an eye to the legacy of the programme in ensuring longer-term country-ownership of interventions.
EU engagement in LAC through its green actions
There is significant potential for cooperation between the EU and LAC towards climate neutral, clean and nature-positive economies. The LAC region has unique potential in terms of biodiversity, natural resources, sustainable renewable energies, agricultural production and strategic critical raw materials.
The EU and its Member States demonstrate their commitment to climate and biodiversity action in LAC through a number of green regional programmes, and bilateral actions and partnerships. The EU is committed to spending at least 30% of its cooperation budget on climate and biodiversity initiatives in the LAC region.
This initiative promotes sustainable growth and jobs creation in Latin America, by facilitating the implementation of sustainable production models. Its objective is to support the transition towards a low-carbon, resource efficient, and circular economy. The programme runs by three components that work with small Latin American businesses, public institutions in the region, and the management of intellectual property rights, respectively.
Amazonia+ will improve the capacity of the countries of the Amazon basin to mitigate CO2 emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, and to significantly reduce forest degradation and improve the protection of their biodiversity. All this will be done in cooperation with indigenous peoples and local communities.
Euroclima is the Global Gateway initiative that facilitates the path of the EU and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions to lead the green and digital transition. It is the EU´s flagship Programme on climate action for over a decade. Euroclima is implemented in the 33 LAC countries and increases resilience to climate change of ecosystems and vulnerable communities, including women, youth, and indigenous populations through the implementation of demand-driven actions.
LACIF is one of the European Union’s regional blending facilities. The purpose of LACIF is to leverage financing for key sectors that are essential for the achievement of the Global Gateway Investment Agenda in the LAC region. Blending is part of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) toolbox and consists of using grant resources to leverage financing, such as loans and equity, with the aim of de-risking projects and making them bankable. LACIF aims to improve the sustainability of infrastructure, increase environmental protection, support climate change adaptation and mitigation, and promote equitable and sustainable socio-economic development and job creation in LAC.
Global Gateway in Latin America and the Caribbean
Implementing agencies
Euroclima is implemented by the synergistic work of the following implementing agencies:
The Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID) works in more than 30 countries through its network of Technical Cooperation Offices, Cultural Centres and Training Centres. |
The International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) is a public institution dedicated to international cooperation, advising governments in 114 countries on improving quality of life for their citizens. |
The French Development Agency (AFD) is present in 109 countries through a network of 85 agencies. The AFD currently finances and partners with more than 3,500 development projects.
The German Corporation for International Cooperation is an agency specialising in technical cooperation for sustainable development around the world. Its purpose is to contribute to sustainable development from an economic, social and ecological point of view.
The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) was founded to contribute to the economic development of Latin America and strengthen economic relations among the countries and with other nations of the world. Then, its work was expanded to the Caribbean countries and the objective of promoting social development was incorporated.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) is the leading environmental authority in the world. It sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development.
Expertise France es la agencia francesa de cooperación técnica internacional. La agencia diseña e implementa proyectos en línea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030 y las prioridades de la acción exterior de Francia.
UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with its broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, it helps nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet.
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