Support for the constitution of the Indigenous Peoples' Platform for Climate Change (IPPCC)
This action aims to establish intercultural dialogue on climate change through the implementation of the Indigenous Climate Platform of Peru.
This milestone will make Peru a pioneer in the recognition of indigenous knowledge and practices that contribute to the integrated management of climate change, as established in the Paris Agreement.
This space will serve to value, recognise, and disseminate indigenous knowledge and practices that contribute to the integrated management of climate change in the country. It also fulfils one of the most important commitments made by the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) in the process of Prior Consultation which, through Ministerial Resolution No. 358-2019-MINAM, determined the formation of the Sectoral Working Group that will allow the development of the Indigenous Climate Platform.
Indigenous Climate Platform
In regard to the Paris Agreement, this document recognises that when adopting measures to address climate change, the signatory Parties must respect and take into consideration their obligations with respect to human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities, in general persons in vulnerable situations; as well as the right to development, gender equality, women's empowerment and intergenerational equity.
Two years later, in 2017, during the 23rd Conference of the Parties, recalling Decision 1/CP.21 and the Paris Agreement, Decision 2/CP.23 developed the platform in detail, mentioning the importance for the exchange of experiences and dissemination of best practices related to mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner; the submissions received on the purpose, content and structure of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform were noted.
Over the coming months, EUROCLIMA+ will accompany the Indigenous Climate Platform Driving Group to define the structure and conformation of the platform, define its functions and its articulation with other spaces for dialogue, as well as develop a roadmap for its implementation and operation.
Expected Results
The establishment of the Indigenous Climate Platform will guarantee the collective rights of indigenous peoples, incorporating them into the formulation of public policies, as well as mitigation and adaptation measures that contribute to the implementation of the nationally determined contributions, and thus be part of the comprehensive management of climate change in an integrated and holistic manner.Co-Management
The establishment of the Indigenous Climate Platform will make it possible to strengthen the relationship between the State and the Indigenous Peoples, under the framework of the integrated management of climate change.Participants
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