Gender mainstreaming in all of EUROCLIMA+ activities
EUROCLIMA+ recognizes the importance and commitment of both the Latin America countries and the European Union to achieve gender equality, understood as the right of women and men to access the same benefits and resources under equal conditions.
For this reason, EUROCLIMA+ includes an objective to achieve gender equality and promote the empowerment of women through the actions and projects to be developed within the framework of the Program. In order to ensure compliance with the gender objective within the framework of the Program, an institutional assessment was carried out during 2018, to identify inputs for the creation of a EUROCLIMA+ gender policy.
In addition, a toolkit was designed so that the project implementing organizations can identify and solve the gender gaps that are present in the scope of their actions. In addition, during 2021 a virtual support window was implemented to provide technical support to projects that wanted to strengthen their gender mainstreaming work.
Institutional Analysis
Institutional analysis with recommendations for mainstreaming the gender perspective in all EUROCLIMA+ activities.On-line support window
During 2020, an on-line support window was launched, as a pilot action, whose objective was to provide technical support to sectoral projects interested in further strengthening their gender mainstreaming activities. The technical assistance provided through the on-line window focused on three axes: capacity building; institutional analysis and documentation review. Through these axes, internal training activities were coordinated, good practices were identified and exchange and training sessions were facilitated, among others.Toolbox
During 2019 and 2020, a gender toolkit was designed, with the aim of supporting organizations implementing EUROCLIMA+ projects, in their gender mainstreaming initiatives. The contents of this toolkit were validated with the implementing organizations through the start-up workshops of the sectoral projects. Its content was also used during the technical support provided to seven sectoral projects during 2020, which generated additional tools that were later integrated into the toolkit. The toolkit was modified for an external audience and published in 2021 as the Estudio Temático 17: Transversalizando la perspectiva de género en proyectos de acción climática.Participants
EUROCLIMA+ strengthens capacities for incorporating a gender perspective in risk management policies in Peru and Ecuador
We are working on building capacities for incorporating the gender equality approach into policy, projects, and risk management plans in Peru and Ecuador.
June 01 2020
WATER also has a gender... and it's not just male
Globally, it is estimated that women make up 20% of the energy sector workforce and just over 30% of the renewable energy workforce.
May 29 2020
Climate change and family agriculture with a gender lens
Lessons learned from adapting the Gender Mainstreaming Toolbox made available by EUROCLIMA+ to the context of family farming.
November 9, 2020
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Commitment to gender equality: virtual support window
The virtual support window for gender mainstreaming helps different projects implement actions that safeguard gender equality.
June 22 2020
EUROCLIMA+ works to mainstream the gender approach in the energy efficiency sector
A virtual seminar promotes the gender perspective in the EUROCLIMA+ programme’s cycle of energy efficiency projects.
May 29 2020
EUROCLIMA+ works to mainstream the gender approach in the bi-national project “Risk Management without Borders”
A virtual seminar promotes the gender approach in the project "Risk management without borders" of the EUROCLIMA+ programme.
May 18 2020
The triple vulnerability of women
"Women are in a vulnerable situation in the face of climate change, and even more so if they are part of indigenous populations"
November 13, 2020
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