Strengthening systems for monitoring and evaluating climate policies under the Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 - Regional
This multi-country transparency and strategic cooperation initiative for long-term planning joins four implementing agencies (GIZ, FIIAPP, ECLAC and UNEP) working together under the coordination of UNEP for the Regional Climate Transparency Centre. This initiative aims to respond to a request from five countries in the region (Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay) regarding urgent needs arising from the development of long-term strategies - LTSs and nationally determined contributions - NDCs.
This project aims to increase capacities for institutional and technical strengthening in the creation of models, data forecasting, development of mitigation scenarios and analyses of climate vulnerability and risk; as well as, in the analysis of investment opportunities in climate change adaptation and disruptive technologies that motivate climate planning and action in the region.
In addition, the Multi-country initiative aims to generate climate strategies and targets that are comparable to each other and consistent with IPCC scenarios for keeping average global temperature increases below 1.5C. Similarly, it is expected to build capacities in Latin America to address the effects of climate change by taking preventive and timely decisions with a long-term horizon.
Expected Results
Development of capacities
Developing capacities for the preparation of LTSs with resilient climate visions and net zero emissions by mid-century.Implementation
Building capacities in local governments and stakeholders in the territory for the implementation of LTSs and NDCs.Increasing ambition
The aim is to analyse and establish a link between LTSs and NDCs by promoting updating and increasing ambition in the commitments for 2030.Participants
Instituciones socias
Instituciones al cargo de Cambio Climático, Planificación y/o Finanzas de los países
Monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation are key to the advancement of NDCs in the area
Under the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ programme, climate change experts and public officials of the LAC region discussed monitoring and evaluation of adaptation.
Cartagena (Colombia), July 24 2019
Experience exchanges in monitoring climate policies in Chile
Chile's Ministry of the Environment, supported by the European Union's cooperation programme, EUROCLIMA+, is organising a meeting to share progress on climate policy monitoring.
Santiago de Chile, July 31 2018
EUROCLIMA+ at the 2019 NDC Global Conference
EUROCLIMA+ participated in the 2019 NDC GLOBAL CONFERENCE promoting learning among peers to advance climate policy metrics.
Berlin, June 12 2019
First regional meeting on monitoring and evaluation of climate change policies in Latin America
A regional meeting was held in Mexico City where experts in public policy assessment and climate change worked together to improve climate policies in Latin America.
Mexico City, April 16 2018

Monitoring and evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation in light of the Enhanced Transparency Framework
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