Formulation of the draft Framework Law on Climate Change and updating of Panama's National Climate Change Policy to 2050
In order to facilitate climate change adaptation and mitigation actions in the country, and to ensure compliance with the Republic of Panama's international commitments under the Paris Agreement, a draft bill is being prepared to strengthen the current institutional framework and to create management instruments.
EUROCLIMA+ will support Panama’s Ministry of the Environment and the Directorate of Climate Change in carrying out a strategic diagnosis process, as well as a participatory consultation for updating the National Climate Change Policy to 2050 and the formulation of the draft Macro Law on Climate Change based on the international climate regime, existing governance structure, management instruments in force, existing information, and the visions of the different sectors and social actors.
Expected Results
Analysis of management instruments and the national climate policy framework to be considered in the draft law to ensure compliance with Panama's NDC.Legislative
Proposal for a bill updating the National Climate Change Policy to 2050 and its action plan.Participation
A broad participatory process that allows for discussion and agreement on the contents of the bill, at the level of citizens, public institutions with competence in climate change, academia, the private sector, etc.Participants
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