
Development of a digital platform for the visualisation and socialisation of information on Climate Change in Ecuador.

This action contributes to the fulfilment of the commitments assumed by Ecuador in the framework of the Paris Agreement, as it will allow strengthening the National Climate Change Registry of the Government of Ecuador through the generation and monitoring of information on climate projections, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Euroclima+ support through this action allows the monitoring, visualisation, socialisation and transfer of knowledge on Climate Change adaptation, through a geo-visor tool at the service of the different stakeholders: public administrations, scientific community, planners, decision-makers and other international actors. It facilitates decision-making aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the country's human and natural systems (related to priority sectors for adaptation in Ecuador) in order to improve the adaptive capacities of key local and sectoral actors, and to facilitate the insertion of the adaptive variable in planning instruments of Decentralised Autonomous Governments and sectoral bodies.

Accurate knowledge of future climate estimates and knowledge transfer are essential factors in assessing the impact and vulnerability of climate-sensitive sectors, and in identifying adaptation measures so that the monitoring and sharing of this information will have collateral benefits in the long term, avoiding human, natural and material losses; generating economic benefits, reducing risks, increasing productivity and stimulating innovation; with environmental, social and cultural benefits.


Expected Results



Geovisor is for monitoring and socialisation of information on climate projections, climate risk, adaptation measures and vulnerability to climate change, strengthening the National Climate Change Registry of Ecuador.

The design and implementation of a repository and geo-visor of information on climate change exists that will form part of the National Climate Change Registry of Ecuador and will allow the monitoring, visualisation, downloading and socialisation of geo-referenced information on climate change and its different components:

  1. Climate projections for temperature and precipitation on a daily scale both historically and in the future.
  2. Mapping of climate threats (drought, heavy rains, very high temperatures, frost) and risk for the prioritised sectors for climate change adaptation in Ecuador (Natural Heritage, Water Heritage, Human Settlements, Productive and Strategic Sectors, Health, Food Sovereignty, Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries).
  3. Adaptation measures including the geo-referenced location of the adaptation measures implemented and being implemented by Climate Change adaptation projects at national, provincial, cantonal or parish levels.
  4. Vulnerability indicator in terms of adaptive capacity at national, provincial, canton or parish levels, as well as for the sectors prioritised for the management of climate change adaptation.


Training of institutional actors for the sustainability of the repository and geo-visor platform.

Training for the institutional administration and users of the platform and geo-visor in the management and/or access to metadata and socialised information. The aim is to generate manuals for the management and use of the platform and geo-visor for the structuring of spatial and alphanumeric information, contributing to its sustainability in the long term and contributing to the decision-making process and the generation of prospectives, planning and inter-institutional coordination.




Euroclima is the European Union's flagship programme on environmental sustainability and climate change with Latin America. It aims to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in Latin America by promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation through resilience and investment. 
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