Transport electrification, electricity generation and grid stabilization Webinar


Webinar held on September 2, 2020

Based on the electric generation of the Caribbean countries, the transport electrification process is tightly associated with the efficiency of the electric generation and supply. The coupled approach of renewable energy generation and transport electrification can be focused on vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-microgrid (V2M), and vehicle-to-home (V2H) technologies and smart charging. The transport electrification would boost the energy demand, increasing the energy generation industry volume, which could be harnessed to deploy renewable energy generation investment creating a virtuous circle. The objective of this session is to show the possibilities of electric mobility in different environments and countries and get to know the technology that can help achieve our goals. This session will show the state-of-the-art technology and strategies to achieve this goal, barriers and readiness, use cases, business cases and models to deliver, and their impacts where these strategies have been already implemented.

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Category: Webinars
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Título: Transport electrification, electricity generation and grid stabilization
Autor: UNEP
Año: 2 de septiembre. 2020

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