The process, which considers various instances of participation by different actors and sectors of society, will have support from the EUROCLIMA+ Programme.

Santiago de Chile, May 20, 2020. Chile's commitment to addressing the climate crisis and meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement is not only reflected in the recent presentation last April of a new and more ambitous NDC, but also in the call to formulate and communicate a Long-Term Climate Strategy (LTCS), with the launch of the participatory process for its preparation on May 18.

The LTCSs are key instruments for defining the way forward to move towards emission-neutral and climate-resilient development by 2050, and to meet the objective of keeping global temperature increase below 2°C and continuing efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C, as indicated by science. These, moreover, become even more relevant considering the event the world is experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it is crucial to ensure that overcoming the current crisis will be through a green recovery.

It should be noted that, Chile has been preparing to face the challenge of climate change (new institutional arrangements through a climate change law being discussed in Congress, creation and strengthening of capacities, incorporation of the climate change dimension in the national budget, preparation of national policies to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others). However, in order for climate change-related actions to be transformational in nature at economic, social and climate levels, contributing to both decarbonisation and increased resilience, it is essential to make progress in defining the long-term strategy.

Having a long-term climate strategy will allow Chile to make progress in several areas:

  • Defining a long-term joint vision for the country, considering the particular situation in terms of risks and opportunities posed by climate change, as well as the goal of emissions neutrality.
  • Integrating a climate-resilient, low-emission development approach into the country's development at national, sub-national and sectoral levels.
  • Contributing to the global goals of mitigation and adaptation by better planning the fulfilment of international commitments on climate change, incorporating the permanent process of reviewing and updating Chile's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as part of the processes contained in the strategy.
  • Giving a clear signal to society at large to promote investments consistent with the vision of climate-resilient, low-emission development. In general, society will respond accordingly if the country clearly defines the route it wants to take to development.

With these objectives in mind, through a virtual session, the Minister of the Environment, Carolina Schmidt, initiated the participatory process through which this strategy will be developed. This milestone is the beginning of more than 80 participatory instances, through which the proposal will be developed and subjected to a broad public consultation process with the citizenry for its final formulation.

As Schmidt stated, "We want to make a special effort so that the long-term climate strategy addresses our mitigation commitments, but also, with particular strength, our commitments and needs to adapt to climate change, which severely impacts our population, especially the most vulnerable.  

Thus, and according to what was presented at the event, the Chilean LTCS will be based on four pillars, which dialogue directly with those included in the new NDC. These pillars are Science, Cost-Effectiveness, Integration, and Social. Along with this, the strategy incorporates the emissions budget established by Chile for 2030 and 2050, as well as sectoral emissions budgets in view of the national emissions cap.

The process of formulating the LTCS in Chile will have the valuable technical and financial support of several international cooperation agencies. The EUROCLIMA+ Programme will also provide support to Chile in this relevant task, which will be materialised through the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), an agency that will assist the country in the deployment of communication strategies focused on public awareness and participation, and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), agencies that will provide technical support for the implementation of a capacity building programme at sub-national level and for the public consultation at the closure of the process, scheduled for July 2021.

Bernhard Zymla, GIZ coordinator for EUROCLIMA+, said: “The current context requires that climate measures be integrated into a medium- and long-term vision aimed at sustainable economic and social development. In the EU, the "Green Deal" is the central project of the future. This "Green Deal" can also be the basis for global economic recovery after the corona virus crisis. The opportunities for economic "recovery" and climate protection must be seized now. Therefore, for EUROCLIMA+, it is essential to cooperate in an integrated way in order to contribute to capacity building and to improving climate change management at national and regional levels”.

Cecilia Castillo, from FIIAPP, also pointed out that "to advance the long-term goals, it is fundamental to communicate and raise awareness among citizens about what a decarbonised, more climate change resilient Chile, implies. This will allow the appropriation of climate policies by the entire population, which will ensure their development and strengthening".

Chile's Minister of Energy, Juan Carlos Jobet, also participated in the event. He explained the goals that the country has set in this sector and said, "Becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and completing our NDC by 2030 will require sustained efforts by many actors over time.

Also participating in the presentation was the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, Ricardo Lozano, who exemplified through his country's participatory process how the involvement of different sectors is fundamental for the development of strategies that are capable of meeting the ambitious goals we face today.

Once again, Minister Schmidt thanked the support and accompaniment received from various international organisations, including the EUROCLIMA+ Programme and the various actions that have been developed in conjunction with Chile and the region.


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme financed by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Agency for Development (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), and UN Environment.