Climate Governance
The Climate Governance component of EUROCLIMA + supports the Latin American countries in the design, updating and implementation of climate policies that allow them to reach the year 2020 with legislation and plans or NDCs adapted to their realities. In addition, it strengthens the capacities of public administration personnel, as well as other involved actors, including civil society.

Towards compliance with the Paris agreements
EUROCLIMA+ is a European Union programme that supports 18 Latin American countries in improving their climate policies in a way that allows them to be prepared to comply with the Paris Agreements that begin in 2020.
The Climate Governance component of EUROCLIMA+ accompanies
Latin American countries in the design, updating and implementation of climate policies that allow them to reach the year 2020 with legislation and plans or NDCs adapted to their realities. In addition, it strengthens the capacities of public administration staff, as well as other stakeholders, including civil society.
Our team