24 February, 2022, Adamantina, Sao Paulo, Brazil - The Mayor of Adamantina, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Marcio Cardim, accompanied by the Mayor of Sinuapa, Honduras and President
of the Tri-national Border Commonwealth Rio Lempa, Cesar Agustin Franco, together with other authorities of local entities of the municipality, inaugurated today the Composting Plant and Yard, built in the context of the EUROCLIMA+ project in the Resilient Food Production sector: "Local policies and mechanisms for the articulation and implementation of public-private partnerships for resilient food production in agri-food value chains".
The 400 square metre composting plant is equipped with a tractor and a machine to facilitate the incorporation of air into the compost, to carry out the different compost management activities, as well as a truck to transport this important input for the farms of rural producers in the rural area of the municipality. The equipment and machinery were donated by the Brazilian energy distribution company Energiza, constituting a true public-private partnership for the promotion of family agriculture in this important Brazilian municipality.
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Composting Plant
The Plant is also equipped with a composting yard of 8,000 square metres, which will allow the production of 2,700 tons of compost per year, to be delivered free of charge to the farmers of the municipality of Adamantina. The raw material used for the production of this compost is food waste from local restaurants and material from the pruning of trees in the urban area of the municipality, which caused real management problems for the municipal administration. The Composting Plant and Yard have become the solution to a serious waste management problem (food and tree pruning waste) and are providing a fundamental solution to family agriculture in this important municipality in the State of Sao Paulo.
Throughout the year 2021, more than 85 rural producers benefited from the delivery of compost produced at the plant, receiving an average of 24 tonnes per farmer and incorporating it into their agricultural plots, in order to improve productivity and water retention in the soil.
Rodrigo Fernando Pereira, a farmer who benefited from this municipal initiative, said that the incorporation of compost in the soil of his property had improved the production of his banana, cucumber and other crops by approximately 30%, which allowed him to have a higher income and better yields from his agricultural production. He said he was happy with the support he was receiving from the municipality of Adamantina and the EUROCLIMA+ Programme.
The project is executed by the Trinational Commonwealth, in alliance with the Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), of the University San Carlos of Guatemala (USCA), the Municipality of Adamantina (Prefeitura of Adamantina) and the Centro Universitario of Adamantina (UNIFAI), and it also has technical assistance from the PROGRESAN-SICA II Programme. The Central American delegation was formed by the Mayor of Sinuapa, Cesar Agustín Franco, and the Manager of the Trinational Border Community of the Lempa River, Engineer Héctor Alonso Aguirre.
The EUROCLIMA+ Programme, is funded by the European Union and aims to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven international cooperation agencies such as: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, and UN Environment.
About the project "Resilience in agri-food chains".
The project is coordinated by the Tri-national Border Commonwealth Rio Lempa (MTFRL), and co-executed by the Prefeitura/Alcaldía of Adamantina, Brazil; the Centro Universitario de Adamantina - UNIFAI, Brazil; the Centro Universitario de Oriente - CUNORI-USAC, Guatemala; and as a strategic partner the Regional Programme of Information Systems for Resilience in SAN in the SICA region - PROGRESAN/SICA, Central America. It will have a duration of two years (2019 - 2021).
Among the most important projected results, the project has strengthened the capacities of local authorities and actors in nine municipalities of the Central American Trifinio and one in Adamantina, aligning their local public policies with national climate change adaptation policies, strategies and plans. Likewise, nine producer organisations in the Central American Trifinio and one in Brazil have strengthened their capacities for resilient food production and their linkages with an agro-food value chain (total of 500 families).
About Euroclima+
EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German federal government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as well as by the governments of France and Spain through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.
The Programme's mission is to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting mitigation, adaptation, resilience and climate investment. It is implemented according to the "Spirit of Team Europe" under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
More information
Manuel Reyes, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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