National low carbon Urban Mobility Policy in Ecuador
Implemented by
Define a national strategy for low-carbon mobility that is applicable to all Decentralised Autonomous Governments in the country and that allows for a considerable reduction in greenhouse gases, while maintaining levels of equity and accessibility
Challenges in the region
- The transport subsector is responsible for 48.5% of the energy sector's CO2-eq emissions, mostly due to the consumption of gasoline and diesel
- Urban growth without territorial planning
National Plans (NUMP)
Overall Project Amount
Implementation period
2018 - 2020
Project phases
Diagnosis and benchmarking of the NUMPStrategy
Strategic vision, definition of objectives and ambitionsTactics
Tactical analysis and deepening of the proposalSummary
Summary of activities, drafting of the NUMP and the guides, and disseminationExpected results
Policies and programmes to promote the use of sustainable modes, optimise the operation of public transport and non-motorised transport, and encourage their use in new and existing infrastructureEstablish
Technical criteria - including a battery of minimum indicators for each type of GAD - and public transport planning policies in relation to territorial and urban planningArticulate
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is being developed at the GAD in Ambato under the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ ProgrammeLatest related news
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The European Union and AFD sign an agreement with Ecuador to stimulate its National Mobility Plan
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Juan Pablo Torres Gualpa Specialist in Railroad Standards and Regulation Ministry of Transport |
Paúl Melo Specialist in Adaptation to Climate Change Ministry of the Environment |