Plan for Strengthening Sustainable Mobility in theCity of Antofagasta
Implemented by
Antofagasta's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) will bring together all the city's existing initiatives and plans, as well as incorporating new initiatives giving them a common vision and objectives for more sustainable mobility focused on people's well-being
Challenges in the region
- 21% of CO2 emissions come from land transport; current mobility plans do not contain criteria for their reduction
- Public transport and active mobility are not prioritised over private transport, which generates 47% of CO2 emissions
- Current mobility does not have a gender perspective that would allow a more equitable city
Antofagasta, Chile.
Local level plans (SUMP)
Overall Project Amount
Period of implementation
October 2018 - First quarter of 2021
Project phases
Installation and pre-diagnostic
Deepen trust between actors involved in mobility planning, by defining activities, milestones, and responsibilities for the SUMPAnalysis and diagnostic
Detailed analysis of the current mobility situation, identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to mobility in the cityVision, objectives, and targets
Joint definition among citizens, public and private sectors of the development scenarios, and objectives of the SUMP, as well as its indicators and targets for monitoring implementationMeasurements and Financing
Compilation of measurements to be grouped into integrated measurement packages to facilitate the achievement of targets and objectives. Definition of a financing strategy for appropriate implementationPre-implementation and monitoring
Mechanism for Monitoring, Reporting and Validation of measures to assess impact and rectify them when necessary.Expected results
Mobility Plan
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) of Antofagasta formulated and approvedImproving institutional capacities
Institutional capacity building and citizen empowerment for sustainable urban mobilityMobility Observatory
Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Observatory in AntofagastaLatest related news
Antofagasta projects its mobility scenarios for the next 15 years
October 16, 2020
A workshop was held on the definition of scenarios and diagnostic citizen surveys and scenarios were carried out.
Antofagasta Mobility Plan concludes the diagnostic phase with a virtual workshop
July 13, 2020
The Diagnostic Workshop generated a multi-sectoral discussion on the challenges of mobility planning in the city
Antofagasta includes citizens in its Mobility Plan with an online portal
June 26, 2020
The portal has the dual objective of disseminating the development process of the Plan and integrating the city's inhabitants into its decision-making
Hugo Pizarro Head of project |
Rodolfo Ugarte Antofagasta Regional Government |
Mauricio Zamorano Antofagasta Regional Government |
Main applicant
Municipality of Antofagasta
Antofagasta Regional Government
SECTRA Northern Zone, Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
CREO Antofagasta
- Regional Ministerial Secretariat for Housing and Urban Development of Antofagasta (SEREMI Housing Antofagasta)
- Regional Ministerial Secretariat for the Environment of Antofagasta (SEREMI Environment Antofagasta)
- Regional Ministerial Secretariat for Transport and Telecommunications of Antofagasta (SEREMITT Antofagasta).
- Regional Ministerial Secretariat for Energy of Antofagasta (SEREMI Energy Antofagasta)
- National Service for Women and Gender Equality of Antofagasta (SENARMEG Antofagasta)