Mobility Observatory: application of a Blockchain information systemfor the transparency of the public transport of Teresina
Implemented by
Improve the performance of public transport, promote greater use and optimise the infrastructure built through an information and interrelationship system that improves decision-making and reduces information asymmetries among the different actors in the public transport system
Challenges in the region
- It is difficult for the population to access collective public transport service, due to the relationship between incomes
- Low user trust in transport operations, which requires a redefinition of the commercial management model, with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness
Teresina - Brasil
Pilot projects
Overall Project Amount
Implementation period
2018 - 2020
Project phases
Diagnostic of mobility and identification of problemsPreparation
Preparation of the open innovation process. Configuration of the open innovation processImplementation
Perception of the pilot. Proof of concept. Scaling up strategyExpected results
A rapid assessment of Teresina's current public transport systemIdentification
Blockchain technologies as an opportunity for resolving problems between all stakeholders in the mobility sectorsCapitalisation
Lesson learned from the pilots, documentation, and definition of the pilot implementation strategyLatest related news
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August 20, 2020
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Partners of EUROCLIMA+ meet during Sustainable Transport Week
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EUROCLIMA+ promotes sustainable and low-carbon urban mobility in Latin America.
AFD opens the bid for the pilot project of Teresina, Brazil
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The consultancy is looking for people with experience in transport projects to install a blockchain platform.
Flavia Maia Head of Special Coordination Teresina Agenda 2030 SEMPLAN |
Cinthia Bartz Machado Manager of Efficient Transport Teresina City Council - Agenda 2030