One year of the Community for Practical Learning on Action for Climate Empowerment

The CPL for ACE has been consolidated as a space for dialogue and experience exchanges between 15 countries in the Latin American region.

22 December 2021 - The Community for Practical Learning on ACE closes 2021 having held seven thematic sessions, six inter-sessions and with more than 56 members from different national bodies in 15 Latin American countries. A collaborative platform that has consolidated itself as a space for exchange on climate policies that ACE addresses for the countries of the region.

During the months of March to December, the practitioner members of the Community have exchanged best practices and lessons learned from the implementation of their respective national processes for the incorporation of ACE in climate policies, ranging from more sectoral interventions in the field of education or awareness raising, to the development of National Strategies on ACE, increasingly present in the region's policies.

The CPL organises its work in thematic sessions that address specific topics in one of the 6 dimensions that comprise it. During 2021, the sessions have revolved around public policies aimed at designing an enabling framework - National ACE Strategies; the importance of citizen participation as a driver of Action for Climate Empowerment; the role of civil society in driving and developing ACE strategies and actions; Education as a driver of Climate Empowerment; and the role of the private sector in promoting and developing ACE strategies and actions; the role of civil society in driving and developing ACE strategies and actions; Education as a driver of ambition in climate transformation; Monitoring and Evaluation in ACE; climate competencies; and the role of ACE in Long-Term Climate Strategies as a strategic component for climate ambition in the Latin American region.

In addition, among the activities promoted by the CPL, the so-called "inter-sessions" are developed, which aim to facilitate dialogue among peers to expand learning and best practices in ACE for the region. This is a methodological approach that facilitates a closer, more personalised and task-oriented meeting to pursue recommendations and key elements in public policies on ACE, and its potential for mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change in the region.

Intersessions are based on collaborative work and mutual learning through shared experiences. The groups formed decide on the specific type of knowledge they are interested in deepening and work in partnership with countries in order to advance study, research, best practices and reflection based on active listening and collective knowledge building.

The ultimate goal of the CPL in ACE, in synergy with UNESCO and the 2030 ESD Roadmap, is to facilitate tools to advance public policies that Action for Climate Empowerment implements in Latin America in its 6 dimensions: education, with a focus on lifelong learning; training, to increase the capacities of practitioners; raising public awareness on these issues; active and committed citizen participation; access to and use of accurate and quality information; and partnerships for international cooperation.

About ACE

Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) is identified as an integrative and strategic tool to move forward from different spheres, involving society as a whole in climate commitments. ACE is the name agreed for Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, reflected in Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, which includes six interdependent and interrelated dimensions: education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international cooperation. ACE aims to be an instrument that articulates capacities to put them at the service of designs, strategies and implementation of programmes that act decisively, and from different fronts, in facing the challenges of climate change. ACE thus places us before changes of enormous magnitude, in line with those proposed by UNESCO through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and, in particular, in the approach for ACE where education plays a critical role in changing mentalities and behaviours. In this context, in 2020 UNESCO and the UNFCCC published a guide for the Integration of Action for Climate Empowerment into the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and, in fact, all the recommendations guide countries to undertake important transformations to advance ACE.

EUROCLIMA+, a regional cooperation programme through the FIIAPP Foundation, in alliance with OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, and with the collaboration of ECLAC, relies on a Community of Practical Learning to accompany the development of present actions and future scenarios on ACE in the region, responding to the needs expressed by Latin American countries. This CPL aims to be a space for collective intelligence to promote actions for climate empowerment, sustainable development and EPDs in Latin American countries.


EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German federal government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), as well as by the governments of France and Spain through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

The Programme's mission is to reduce the impact of climate change and its effects in 18 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting mitigation, adaptation, resilience and climate investment. It is implemented according to the "Spirit of Team Europe" under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).


The Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) was created in 1963 with the purpose of supporting Member States in improving their education systems, with the firm conviction that education is a human right for all, throughout life. Our mission is to lead, monitor and provide technical support to the countries of the region through each of its lines of action to advance towards the fulfilment of Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Education 2030, with the involvement of other UNESCO offices and institutes, and with the participation of strategic partners.


Daniel Fernández: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.