Peru's Indigenous Peoples' Platform for Climate Change (PPICC) held a meeting to evaluate its first year of operation

The meeting brought together representatives of the country's seven indigenous organisations and highlighted the platform's contribution to tackling climate change.

Lima, 25 November 2021 - On 25 and 26 November, a meeting was held in Lima to take stock of the first year of operation of the Indigenous Peoples’ Platform for addressing Climate Change (PPICC) of Peru. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Culture of Peru, members of the 7 indigenous communities of the country, the Head of Cooperation of the European Union Delegation in Lima and technical staff of the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), which is carrying out the support of the EUROCLIMA+ programme to this Peruvian initiative. 

The Indigenous Peoples' Platform for Addressing Climate Change 

Within the framework of the process implementation of  Line 6 on Gender and Vulnerable Groups that the EUROCLIMA+ programme supports in Peru, and as a precursor to the creation of the PPICC, in 2019 the FIIAPP Foundation supported process for prior consultation of the Regulation of the Framework Law for Climate Change (RMLCC, from here on). The Indigenous Peoples' Platform to Address Climate Change (PPICC) arose as a demand from the indigenous population of Peru expressed in the framework of this consultation process. 

The PPICC aims to establish intercultural dialogue on climate change among indigenous communities. It is a space for exchange that manages, articulates, disseminates and monitors proposals for adaptation and mitigation measures of indigenous peoples in addressing climate change, valuing their traditional and ancestral knowledge, practices and wisdom. Indigenous peoples agree that protecting their territorial rights over forests, increasing their participation in the governance of climate action and valuing their traditional and ancestral knowledge, practices and know-how contribute to tackling climate change.  

Currently, with support from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Culture and the EUROCLIMA+ programme, through the FIIAPP, work is being carried out on the legal development and strengthening of the Platform's environmental governance and its participation in relevant national environmental decision-making bodies, such as the National Commission on Climate Change. 

About the Workshop 

The Political Balance Workshop of the Indigenous Peoples' Platform for Climate Change (PPICC) in Peru was attended by more than 60 participants from the 7 indigenous organisations that are members of the PPICC: Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), Confederación Nacional Agraria (CNA), Confederación de Nacionalidades Amazónicas del Perú (CONAP), Confederación Campesina del Perú (CCP), Federación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas, Artesanas, Indígenas, Nativas y Asalariadas del Perú (FENMUCARINAP), Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del Perú (ONAMIAP), Unión Nacional de Comunidades Aymaras (UNCA)..

At the inauguration, the Vice-Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment (Minam), Alfredo Mamani, highlighted the importance of the PPICC as an appropriate strategy in addressing the climate emergency affecting the world: "Based on this work, we aspire to strengthen its work and for it to grow, achieving a voice and presence with regional governments, thus promoting inclusive and sustainable development, in accordance with the guidelines of the General Policy of the Government and the current management of Minam".

For her part, the Vice-Minister of Interculturality of the Ministry of Culture, Rocilda Nunta, highlighted the PPICC as a pioneering space in the world for work between indigenous organisations and the State. In addition, the head of the European Union Cooperation in Peru, Robert Steinlechner, expressed the EU's commitment to continue supporting this space through the EUROCLIMA+ programme, in order to strengthen the knowledge, practices and efforts of indigenous peoples in climate action, as established in the Paris Agreement.

From the representatives of the indigenous organisations, Mayra Macedo, from the National Organisation of Indigenous, Andean and Amazonian Women of Peru, highlighted the role of the PPICC as a space for sharing ancestral knowledge, Lourdes Huanca, president of the National Federation of Rural Farmer, Artisan, Indigenous and Native Women of Peru, welcomed the State's willingness to build a space for dialogue to incorporate the vision of the peoples in climate policies, and Rosalía Clemente, president of the National Agrarian Confederation, stressed the importance of incorporating ancestral practices and knowledge as part of the NDC..

President of the Confederación Campesina of Peru, Wilder Sánchez, pointed out the importance of planning the Platform's actions towards the future, Tabea Casique, of the Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana, expressed the need to work in a decentralised manner, gathering the voices of the country's indigenous peoples, and Hugo Jilaja, president of the Unión Nacional de Comunidades Aymaras, called for the effective participation of the peoples in the comprehensive management of climate change. Finally, Oseas Barbaran, President of the Confederation of Amazonian Nationalities of Peru, emphasised the ancestral relationship of indigenous peoples with nature as a source of life and Development.

The main achievements of the workshop were to obtain a first draft of the PPICC Work Plan for the year 2022, which revolves around 4 outcomes: articulation of the national bases with the regional bases of the OOIIs; management of the PPICC in coordination with MINAM, MIMP and the Ministry of Culture; implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures in indigenous communities; and greater dissemination and search for funding of the PPICC for its sustainability. 

The workshop also highlighted the gender and intergenerational focus of the initiative, which integrates several indigenous women's organisations from different regions of the country and incorporates a line of work with youth groups.

About EUROCLIMA+    

EUROCLIMA+ is a programme funded by the European Union to promote environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient development in 18 Latin American countries, particularly for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. The Programme is implemented under the synergistic work of seven agencies: the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, Expertise France (EF), the International and Ibero-America Foundation for Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP), and UN Environment.
