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Launch of Ecuador’s National Urban Mobility Policy - NUMP project


Under the Euroclima+ programme and with support from the French Development Agency (AFD)

, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) along with the Ministry of Environment (MAE) of Ecuador held the “MobiliseDays” workshop to launch the preparation of the National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP) for Ecuador. The workshop was held on January 30 and 31, 2019 in the city of Quito with the objective of announcing the beginning of the programme in Ecuador and the start of joint NUMP formulation with the participation of institutional representatives of the National Government and the municipalities (GADs), civil society, economic and private sectors, transport operators and Ecuadorian academia.

The opening of the workshop was done by the Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jorge Aurelio Hidalgo; the Deputy Minister of Transportation Management, Ángel Loja; the Vice Minister of Environment, María Chiriboga; and the Executive Director of ANT, Álvaro Guzmán, with the presence of EU Delegate Andrea Ferrari; French Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Chauvin; and the AFD Director in Ecuador Clotilde Boutrolle, on behalf of the international cooperation.

The event was attended by more than 130 people, with the noteworthy presence of representatives of 51 Decentralised Autonomous Governments (acronym GADs in Spanish) belonging to 15 Ecuadorian provinces of the coast, mountains, the eastern region and the continental area of the country.

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The workshop allowed us to work on the preparation of a joint vision of Ecuadorian mobility by 2030, delving into specific issues such as

(i) governance and capacity development

(ii) planning for mobility, financing, equity and affordability

(iii) technological changes and innovation

During these two days of work it was possible to propose medium and long-term joint actions and tools and generate a roadmap for a sustainable urban mobility public policy that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and plan sustainable Ecuadorian cities.