Training of trainers on the reference framework for NDC implementation

Date: June 22, 2020.                                                                                                 
The Resilient Food Production (RFP) sector is launching a virtual course on the Reference Framework for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). This is training for trainers whose main objective is that key actors in the agricultural sector become multipliers of knowledge on the importance of the sector in the implementation of country commitments. The course has been adapted to a virtual format due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

The previous analysis of capacity at project level and in the national agricultural sector concluded that there is a need to strengthen the core capacities of key actors, such as the EUROCLIMA+ Sectoral Focal Points (SFP) in the 18 partner countries of the programme and the project implementing organisations, on the framework and concepts of implementation for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in the food production sector.

The course will be implemented as part of the Technical Assistance for the RFP sector, in a pilot experience in which the student accesses a virtual classroom where he or she interacts and is trained using practical examples, readings, videos, group work, exchanges and online reflections with a cast of very high level facilitators. Currently, 20 students are taking the course, including communicators, trainers and project and public sector technicians, who are expected to know the basics of the reference framework and to recognise the importance of the sector in implementing the country's commitments, when considering it in their work context.

The contents of the course revolve around the generalities and framework conditions of the Paris agreements and the NDCs, climate change mitigation and adaptation, the transparency framework, monitoring and evaluation, and climate financing.

The training is offered on a virtual learning platform guided by highly qualified trainers. It lasts 6 weeks with an average of 40 hours of work between desk study (25%), self-organised group work (35%), webinars (30%) and tutorials (10%).

As training for trainers, the course will be evaluated from the perspective of participants and instructors, to generate quality materials that can benefit and be easily implemented by other key partners in the EUROCLIMA+ programme.

 See the bulletin